Well the EEAT Bake Sale has come and gone and what a sale it was!
Thank you to everyone that stopped by the other night. I thought it was amazing to see how many folks were volleying for spots in the Etsy lab. I swear at one time I saw 50 or more Avitars!
Just Bakin was jamming along with the trivia questions and DoubleDippedSweets made sure we all hit our ques on time. If you see These two ladies in a chat room, be sure to tell them what an awesome job the did. Heck, if you see any EEAT members in a chat let them know how much you enjoyed the Bake Sale.
There were some really Yummy pictures flying around the room. Cookies, Cakes, and Candies for sure, but there were even some yummy treats for the furbabies and featherbabies in your life. Yes, EEAT (Etsy Edible Arts Team) is for all things Edible. That even means treats for the furbabies and featherbabies in our lives. DivineCanine and LuckDogTreats were both on hand to make sure NO ONE was left out if they needed treats. I have to tell you, some of what those two have to offer look so good I might even be tempted!
If you made purchases from any of the EEAT members, be sure to check out the Team Blog to see if you won our drawing. http://www.etsyedibleartsteam.blogspot.com/
From the sounds of it, everyone who attended the Valentines Day Bake Sale had a great time. The EEAT members AND the folks that came to buy. So here's the question... Do you think we should do it again for Easter? Sound off and let me know what you think.
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